Monday, October 10, 2011

Wind of Change

It's more than just a really awesome early 90s power ballad, darling readers. Big changes are a-comin' here in the Piece of Cake kitchen, and I want to make sure you're along for the ride! Some of you may have landed here via a blogspot address for a while, which has been good to me, but it's time to move on for reals. To get you prepped for The Big One, point your browser to...

This current set-up will be up for a short while longer, and then...not so much. So update those bookmarks and I'll see you on the other side real soon!

1 comment:

I love your comments! Comments make the blogosphere go 'round. But if a comment is intentionally rude, hurtful or reminiscent of that kid that threw raisins in my hair all day long when I was the new kid in third grade, it will not be published. Thanks!