Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sweet News

Have I ever got something wacky for you guys! So check this out. For the past couple months, I've been writing a real, live cookbook. And by "writing" I mean up to my eyelashes in granulated sugar. The book is scheduled for release next Spring, and will be published by the fun, creative and insanely talented folks over at Quirk Books. I can't even begin to tell you how thrilled I am to be in the company of some bloggers/authors I have such mad admiration for, like Matt, Susan and my darling friend Anita. Wow, wow, wow.

We've decided to keep specifics of the book's topic under wraps for just a bit longer, but c'mon--you guys know me. It's safe to say that it's prrrrobably not going to be a book about salad.

I've been recipe testing and writing for quite a while already, and this week I am already preparing for the first shoot for the book, which will be shot by the extraordinary Leigh Beisch and styled by Sara Slavin. This dynamic duo has created some of the most incredible images from beloved cookbooks I have had on my shelves for years, so in a few days, you can find me showing up at a photo studio with boxes of painstakingly-made goodies, trying not to die from awkward excitement.

In short, lots of pinch-me moments around here. Lots of showings of Toy Story 2 while I try to get just One. More. Thing. Done. Also, lots of moments that have me thinking that Morgan Spurlock really ought to do a documentary about what happens to a person when they are writing a sweets cookbook--but that is neither here nor there. I will be sharing updates with you here from time to time if you don't mind. It will make it a bit easier for me to wrap my brain around this whole mind-blowing experience if I can tell you a little about it.

And I really need to thank you, too. If it weren't for this space, for your support and kindness and light, I never would've become prepared enough to reach this point. So get ready, people--there's gonna be a whole lot of crazy up in here. Like, more than usual. Okay, I'm going back in. Dang, my kitchen floor is a hot mess.


  1. What a great post. My cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing! :) I can't wait to see what the book is all about! Congrats on it in advance!

  2. How AWESOME!!! Seriously exciting! Can't wait to actually see it. :)

  3. Ahhh!!! I could not be more excited for you girl!

  4. Congratulations! Looking forward to your book.

  5. couldn't have happened to a better girl! Can I have an advanced copy with an autograph, you super famous star, you!

  6. Can't wait to see your book in print! Sounds like a whirlwind of craziness. Congrats!

  7. Wow Shauna! That is the best news ever. I'm already waiting for it :) Do reveal more asap.

  8. Yeay! It's about time. That will be a must have in my recipe collection. Can't wait read it.

  9. Ducking in to say thank you all so much! xo

  10. Wonderful! Congratulations, I can't wait to by the book!

  11. Congratulations!! Can't wait to hear the rest, and of course, see the finished product!

  12. Congratulations, Shauna! This is awesome news; enjoy the photo shoots and all of the craziness!

  13. Congrats! Cann't wait to get a look of the book. Loved your post and the writing - My god - Hilarious!

  14. Congratulations on the book. Judging from your blog, the book will be a "must have" addition to my large cookbook library. Thanks for the heads up. And all the best to you!

    A Taste of Paprika

  15. I absolutely cannot WAIT for your cookbook.

    SO SO exciting!!!

  16. Yay, yay!!! Congrats! Can't wait to see it! :)

  17. I am delighted to hear this news, Shauna! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog for the past 15 months or so, and I am already looking forward your book. Big congratulations and happy writing/recipe-testing to you!

  18. Congratulations! Your posts are so funny. I think I live in the space between awkward excitement and awkward situations. It's a very fine line :) Congratulations again - very well deserved!

  19. Whoa, LOOK AT YOU! Congratulations, you incredibly busy and talented lady.
    If you ever need a recipe tester or any other help, I am down.

  20. i have been hoping this would happen! i can't wait for the cookbook to be released!!!!!!!

  21. Everyone--Mwah, mwah, mwah. That's kissing. If it's not awkward for you.

  22. Shauna! How did I miss this?! So exciting! Congratulations...I can't wait to hear more about it! And good luck with the sugar purge :)


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