Sunday, February 20, 2011

"That's What Friends Are Fooor..."

Cue the Dionne Warwick, people. This is a post with purpose.

See this awesomely humiliating photo, here? That’s me on the left, and Elizabeth, one of my dearest friends in the whole wide world, circa 1995, right before our junior prom in Barrington, Illinois. See how effortlessly Elizabeth pulls off the vintage look, with her high-waisted dress and perfectly waved bob? And see how I’m failing at my efforts to channel Winona Ryder in Reality Bites and instead resembling a pubescent drag queen? Yeah. That’s all you really need to know about our friendship. Well that, and I remember some douche-y jock-type once inferring that we were probably lesbians because we always hung out together and neither of us ever had boyfriends. But that is neither here nor there.

Elizabeth and I are the sort of friends who can always pick up right where we left off, no matter how long it's been since we've seen each other. Maybe it has something to do with being so close during a period when my eyebrows looked like that. But anyway, after several years of not seeing each other and barely keeping in touch, we both ended up thousands of miles away from Illinois, in Northern California, me in San Francisco and her up in Napa. How funny is that? Total destiny, I'm telling you. A couple weeks ago, we bathed our toddlers in the same bathtub and almost died from disbelief as our 16-year-old selves clashed with the present.

We still have so much dorky fun together. Elizabeth is perfection, basically, and the best sort of friend a girl could ever ask for. I’ve always admired her for her intelligence, her humor, and now that we’re all grown up and married, her fabulous taste in husbands.

Now this handsome man right here—this is Brandon Sharp. I like to think of him as Mr. Elizabeth, but really he is an entity all his own. He’s the executive chef at Solbar, the phenomenal restaurant at the Solage resort in Calistoga, California. He’s a Michelin-starred chef with the most remarkable culinary sensibility. He also happens to be one of the most humble people I’ve ever met. Someone who can seamlessly put a shrimp and watercress salad with mint-thyme crema and bacon-cheddar sliders on the same menu probably deserves to be a little cocky. But not Brandon. He cooks his heart out for more hours a week than I can even fathom, and still manages to be a star husband and father to the two almost illegally adorable little boys he has with my dear Elizabeth.

Whenever I visit them and see that little family together, bonding over their love of food and feeding people, it’s nothing short of inspiring. As you can tell, I am a rabid Sharp Family Fan. Ergo, I’m not about to miss an opportunity to let the world know how spectacular Brandon Sharp is. And guess what? You, darling reader, can help me spread the word.

Brandon is currently in the running for Food & Wine's The People’s Best New Chef award in the Pacific region. Now, I personally don’t really know if you can call a guy who’s been working his tail off in kitchens for more than 15 years a “new chef”, but he certainly fits the description of a hot, young chef who deserves to get some serious attention in one of the most important food publications out there. And come on—LOOK AT THAT FACE. I’d much rather have that on my nightstand than another glossy photo of shortribs or something.

Here’s all you have to do to help promote one heck of a guy, and in turn credit me for sharing with you totally cringe-inducing photos of myself:

Get on over to CNN’s Eatocracy page for Food & Wine’s The People’s Best New Chef 2011: Pacific. Scroll down past the profiles (pausing to enjoy the photo and blurb for Brandon), and click the little button next to Brandon’s name. That’s it. No logging in, no e-mail sign up, nothing. Easy peasy. Vote for an excellent chef, an awesome husband and father, and one of the good guys. Especially one that’s married to the first person with whom I ever got totally, completely wasted. Thank you!


  1. Done! Looks like he's in the lead. :)

  2. I did it. Looks like your Brandon is winning.

  3. What a great post! Sounds like an amazing chef.

  4. Friends like that are always needed. Life is just so much better with them

    Since I truly love your recipes (a slightly less than I love your anecdotes about litle C), I will trust you and vote for him :)

  5. Thank you so much to everyone who's voted so far! You guys are the best. Let's keep this thing rolling! XO

  6. Done, he's in the lead! But ofcourse he would, considering you're rooting for him :)

    P.S - We all have embarassing pictures, I'd be horrified to show mine. Great courage!!

  7. You are such a good friend! I voted for him on your word alone, and hope to be able to experience the deliciousness myself if I ever make it out west. :)

  8. just voted for brandon!
    one good deeds deserves another…you have fab recipes & posts…this is your good friend…so why not pay it forward…good luck!

  9. Done! He is still in the lead. Great pics are those leg warmers on your arms?

  10. Thank you to all of Piece of Cake's (and by extension our) supporters! You are the greatest - and smartest, and prettiest - food lovers out there!

  11. You guys are too much! We are so taking this, people.

  12. Yay! I voted for Brandon because you told me to. Also, because he's easy on the eyes and I'm shallow that way.

    Also, your high school photos are amazing, because you look EXACTLY the same. Well not exactly, but you know what I mean. Your photos are nothing compared to my embarrassing high school photos. Truly.

  13. Just discovered your fabulous blog today and tried out the triple berry danish cake! YUM! I also read that you are from Barrington, Ill? I am from there as well!


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