Monday, December 27, 2010

$100 Gift Card Winner!

I hope everyone had an awesome, awesome holiday. Ours was full of craziness, food, cookies, wine and more presents than I can count. Seriously, Little C scored such a haul, I think girlfriend will be producing toys I've never seen from every corner of the house for the next six months.

Anyway, let's get to it. The big winner of the awesome $100 CSN Stores gift card giveaway is sweet Ginny, who said:

"Peanut Butter Hershey Kiss cookies to make my family happy! :)"

Way to represent for the fam, Ginny. Contact me at shauna (at) thepieceofcakeblog (dot) com to claim your prize!

Happy holidays, everyone. I'll see you all around here again right soon.

1 comment:

  1. congrats ginny!

    shauna, happy, healthy new year!
    look forward to 2011 & baking with you!!


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