Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall's Greatest Hits

So it's Thursday, the day I start obsessively thinking about what I'm going to bake over the weekend. And it's also the first week in November, which means we've only got another couple weeks of blissful, just-'cause-I-flippin'-feel-like-it autumnal baking before we've gotta get to Big Time Holiday Baking. Clearly, both of these situations are key reasons to share some of my Fall Baking Greatest Hits. Bust out some cinnamon, crack open a can of pumpkin puree, and peel those last few apples rolling around in your crisper drawer, people. Let's do this.

Maple-Pecan Shortbread. Up there at the top of this post. Cookies shaped like leaves. With maple and pecans. To quote Ina, "How Fall is that?"

Chewy Apple-Oat Bars with White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting. ZOMG. Not much more I can say about these bad boys.

Double Apple Bundt Cake. Basically Fall in the shape of a Bundt. I said Bundt, you perv.

Self-Frosting Sweet Potato Cupcakes. You know, to throw a little extra crazy into the mix.

Homemade Graham Crackers. Awesome on their own with coffee or tea, and even better all ground up for crusts.

Apple-Frangipane Galette. Like an apple pie, but prettier. And Frenchier.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Loaf. I seriously dream about this cake this time of year. I think I've made this about 500 times. Quite simply, there is nothing more perfect right this minute.


  1. I made those maple pecan shortbread cookies last year shortly after you posted them. They are soooo good! They're not too sweet, have a nice crunch, and a great nutty, maple flavor.

    Also, I've baked that chocolate chip pumpkin loaf twice in the last 30 days. When you make it with fresh pumpkin, it's just about perfect in every way. I've also used the batter from that recipe to make chocolate chip pumpkin muffins!

    Thanks for sharing all of these great recipes!

  2. These all look fabulous! And what a great excuse - because I flippin feel like it! I'm going to use that one. :)

  3. yesterday i made my grocery list for this weekend's baking:-)

  4. I need to make just about everything on your list...except maybe the butt..umm bundt.

  5. Have I told you lately that you are super fabulous? You totally are.

    Seriously, if we were neighbors in real life, I might hate you and bad mouth you, but only because I secretly felt threatened by how cute and cool you are.

    Those chewy apple bars are going to the top of my list.

    For real.

  6. mmm a lot of these recipes look fabulous. im definately going to have to try some of them this fall

  7. I make pumpkin chocolate chip muffins once fall rolls around and I swear I could eat them every single morning, lunch and dinner for 5 months straight. Perfect fall recipes!

  8. OMG -all of your treats look amazing. I too need to figure out what baked goodies are gonna happen this weekend! Beautiful photos!

  9. I'm a sucker for maple and anything in a leaf shape! In fact I just bought some copper leaf cookie cutters that need testing out...



  10. chewy apple oat bars... gotta try that awesomeness

  11. I have a quart of pureed pumpkin in my freezer from when I decided one Sunday to buy a huge one and cook it myself. I'll have to look into that loaf!

  12. What wonderful inspiration!!! SO many good looking things here, and I am totally going to make those maple pecan shortbread cookies for the bakery I work at!!! I am beyond excited right now, because I just found your blog...and I love it!

  13. Ok so is 5.30 am, and I still feel like running to the kitchen to make that galette! Even though I'm in no condition to. Crazy, or is it just that good?

  14. I think I love you. Your multiple communist references within the first few posts I read made me smile on a truly crap day. So many, many kudos. And since it's 10:30 am and I can't in good conscience start drinking yet...I'll keep reading :)


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