Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's Fall, Y'all!

Just a quick update before I embark on the much-anticipated craziness that is bound to be BlogHer Food '10! First--obviously--if you, too, are going to be joining the festivities here in San Francisco this weekend, you BEST track me down and say hello! I'll be the one trying to look cool and trying not to drink too much, and probably failing on both accounts.

Second, there's a whole bunch of fun new stuff I'll get to share with you here very soon, so I hope you'll stay tuned. In the meantime, you can check out some of my latest "Best of the Bay" restaurant reports that have just been added to the POC Media Page, and enjoy a lovely autumnal photograph of a jovial toddler cavorting in a huge apple crate.

Be back soon!


  1. Cutest picture ever! Have fun at the festival :)

  2. Wish I was going :(
    Have a great time!!

  3. I'm so jealous. Have an awesome time, but then I don't need to tell you that :P

  4. Great looking photo of apple in a tree trunk love your blog


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