Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tres Leches Cake: The Video!

Because my recent trip to visit family back in Illinois has rendered me unable to eat anything but comfort foods and because there's really nothing wrong with cake soaked in sweet, caramelized milk and covered in mounds of freshly whipped cream, I give you my favorite recipe for Tres Leches Cake. You can find more videos like this one on the POC Media page. Enjoy!

Mad video skillz courtesy of Curt Norris.


  1. Oh Shauna, this looks delicious. And again, loving the video addition! Can't wait to see another one soon :)

  2. I enjoyed and learned from your video. Thanks so much.

  3. Can someone say Next Food Network Star?

    Awesome job, Shauna!

  4. Awesome video!! I can only hope you make it to Food Network bc I like you so much better than Rachel Ray.

  5. Ditto to what Andrew and Kristan said - you're a natural....and what's more: you SINCERELY love sugar in it's best form!!!

    Can't wait to start on the cake!

  6. Awesome video Shauna and that cake looks amazing! I've never tried a Tres Leches Cake and it is totally on my list now. Thanks! :)

  7. Great video, I love it! Ooh and I love the tiles on your kitchen wall :)

  8. Oh wow Shauna, you really are a natural. And great video by whoever was taking it! The cake looks delicious, I've made sponge many times, never tres leche!

  9. Aww, thanks again, everyone! You all are too nice.

    Lucie--the kitchen was a loaner! I wish it was mine. ;)

  10. Towards the beginning you say to rain in the sugar into the egg yolks when you're doing it into the egg whites! ;) I'm nit-picky like that. Another awesome video! Do you have experience?? It's EXTREMELY hard to look natural on video and you do it so effortlessly!


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