Friday, July 16, 2010

A Really Tough Job

So some of you may know that in my former life--which is to say when I was young and unafraid and, ahem, childless--I did a bunch of television hosting stuff. When we made our big move from LA to San Francisco and then found out about five minutes later that Little C was on her way, the TV world took a back seat. Like in the "way back", as my little sister and I used to say. But with Little C quickly approaching the big 0-2 (what, how?!), I've started dipping my toe back into some food-related television projects. And recently I've been lucky enough to start working with a fun show here in the Bay Area called Best of the Bay. Basically they said, "Hey, how'd you like to visit some of the finest restaurants in the Bay Area, interview top chefs, cook with them and then sample all the delicious food?", and I said, "Oh my God, I would absolutely relearn how to do my hair and makeup and wear real clothes for that."

And so it is. My first Best of the Bay segment featuring the awesomeness that is 5a5 Steak Lounge here in San Francisco. If you are in the area, you can watch the segment on this Sunday's episode at 5:30 pm PST on KRON 4, and for those of you non-locals who'd like to see me put a ton of exquisite dishes in my face, here's the video!


  1. Oh my friend, I'm so happy for you! It's great to "see" you now! You're a natural. Only the "Best" for Best of the Bay! They are lucky to have you. :-)

  2. Congrats! That's a great opportunity and a good fit for you. Have fun.

  3. This is awesome!! Congratulations--I would watch you all the time if I live in SF!

  4. Wow!! Really something special-May big things continue to come your way! I have been waiting for a Barrington-ite to become famous :)

  5. Wow! Really something special! May big things continue to come your way! I have been waiting for a Barrington-ite to become famous!! Cheers!!

  6. Awesome, Shauna! Great to see you out there doing what you love to do…


  7. Hey, that's excellent!! Congrats to you, and good to "see" you!

  8. Congratulations! What an amazing opportunity! That restaurant looks delicious too. I love me some rare steak! :)

  9. How awesome!! You are so good at that, it's obvious you are destined to be a MAJAH STAR!!

  10. well done - you look really great ! it's so nice to see you "in action". all the best :)

  11. So that's why you're such a natural in your previous videos :P :P Great one, this one!

  12. Oh, thank you, everyone. You are too kind. Too kind, indeed. xo

  13. Hey Shauna! I just finally got a chance to watch this in its entirety (only had time for the first 30 seconds or so before). WHAT FUN!! I seriously can't believe you were at 5A5! I've been friends with the owners, Steve, John and Albert for almost 10 years (ok maybe more - eeks we're so old!!) You look GREAT by the way! Can't wait to see more stuff from you! :)

    We should seriously try to get together again some time. Anita and I were talking about getting some local "foodie/pastry friends" together sometime so we'll let you know!

  14. Wow!! No wonder you looked like such a natural! Seriously.. next stop is the Food Network!


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