Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chocolate Fondant Cake: The Video!

In the spirit of keeping things crazy around here, I've decided to do something different and share a little recipe demo with you. In the coming weeks, you'll be able to find more videos like this one on a separate POC media page that now has its very own link over there on the right hand side.

This gem of a cake is one of my favorites of all time, from deep in the archives--you can find the full recipe way back here. Its formal name is Chocolate Fondant Cake, a dreamboat of a dessert that features a perfect balance of salty and sweet, and it's insanely chocolaty, almost criminally so. It's for the real chocolate lovers out there, those who live by the bold motto, "If it's not chocolate, it's just not worth it". With that in mind, I like to call it "So Worth It Cake". Chocoholics of the world, raise your fists--this one's for you.

Mad video skillz courtesy of Curt Norris.


  1. I think I see a TV food star in the making :) Great video!

  2. Wow! You're such a natural! Awesome video.

  3. i have been following your wonderful blog & love it!

    your video is amazing & certainly could be a food network are very natural & at ease...
    is the food network listening to all who commented??

    i am definitely going to bake this cake for father's day!

  4. You don't even know how happy that video made me! I just moved to Europe and am without a tv and therefore without my precious Food Network station. You fit right in with the best, except you are more light hearted and funny.
    Thanks, I will be watching every one...

  5. how cute are you?!
    Cake looks and sounds amazing!

  6. Great video - will definitely try this one! I have a request though - could you let me know how much one tablespoon of butter weighs? You use this measurement in some of your recipes and in the USA that is easy as you have sticks of butter marked off in tablespoons. In the UK we don't have that and I am not quite sure how much one tablespoon is as its hard to push butter into a tablespoon measure. Thank you

  7. You guys are the best. Thank you, thank you for being so nice. Wish I could have you all over for cake and coffee.

    Aerian--Hi! I am not the queen of metric by any means, but a stick of butter is about 113 grams, which puts a tablespoon of it at a smidge over 14 grams. You'll need 100 grams for this recipe. Hope that helps! And I really should starts adding weights whenever possible--I've been using them more often as my baking progresses and it does make a difference.

    Kerry--I would gladly give up my addiction of food television to live in Europe. How exciting!

  8. Shauna that was so amazing on so many levels! For one thing that cake looks good to die for and you are so natural in front of the camera. You should definitely have your own show on the Food Network. Thanks very much!

  9. Wonderful! How cute are you?

  10. Wonderful video!..It's like the usual cooking video I've seen on tv every night!...Good job!

  11. Loved this video, you are just the cutest thing ever! I have to second everyone else--I see a future Food Network star on our hands! Can't wait to try this delicious cake--I'm a chocoholic lover through and through!

  12. Wow--this is a great video! This isn't going to be an original comment at all, but I'd rather watch you than Giada or Rachel Ray anytime :)

  13. OMG how stinkin cute are you?? You need your own show...I would totally watch!! I'm off to go cry in a corner now that I've seen your skinniness. No big deal, I'll get my self esteem back eventually.. ;)
    Cake looked great too!!

  14. Love the video, wish Little C had made an appearance!

  15. Keep going on videos. You're great! :)

    Love from Turkey.

    I love your blog. You are amazing! :))

  16. What a great video! You've already heard it a couple dozen times, but I'll say it again - you're a natural! And good grief, this chocolate cake. I could die.

  17. Shauna!! AWESOME VIDEO! You go girl! After our interview I KNEW you were a natural, and your video proves it! Hello Food Network!!! I'm thrilled for you ;-)
    Hope you get a few more of these gems on your site soon. You are an inspiration.

  18. Fabulous video--you are a natural! Now I need some cake...

  19. You GUYS. Thank you so much for all the sweet words of encouragement. So glad I could entertain you! *deep, overly dramatic bow*. More to come!

  20. Shauna you are such a natural!! Awesome vid :)


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